!!! Remember, the questionnaire is active for 3 days (72 hours) and is filled once!
2. Analyze this questionnaire and questions. If some point is not clear to you, write to the moderator.
3. Go to the coffee shop.
Execute the verification in accordance with the instructions of the moderator and the points in the questionnaire! Make an order for the amount (100 lei - Republic of Moldova, 450 som - Kyrgyzstan, 400 rubles - Russia, 50 dirhani - UAE, 12 euros - Cyprus).The order can exceed this amount, but the certificate is issued for an amount not higher than the specified.
4. The order must have OBLIGATORY 2 items from the menu: 1 kind of food and 1 kind of drink (at your option). The moderator may ask for a specific order.
5. We advise you to fill the questionnaire when you come home.
6. Upload the necessary and additional photos (if such photos are required).
If you have problems with uploading photos to the questionnaire, you can send them to the moderator's mail: mysteryguest.tucanocoffee@gmail.com
7. Within 24 hours your profile will be reviewed.
You will receive a response by email (approved or rejected). The moderator can return with additional questions to clarify some of the answers or to verify the entries.
Pay attention to the required elements of verification. They are as follows:
1. Ten clear and precise photos:
Photos of poor quality (washed out, clarified, dark), which do not allow to determine the appearance of the product, will be rejected, and the report will not be counted
2. Remember and write down in the questionnaire the name of the employee (indicated on the badge) who received your order.
3. Remember and write down in the questionnaire the name of the employee (indicated on the badge), which brought your order.
4. Fix and record the expected time spent in the queue to make an order at the bar.
5. Fix and write down in the questionnaire how long you waited to bring your order, from the time you received the check.
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